Governor Services
The Service Offer
Subscription Services
Buy as You Need Services
Training Courses
Subscription services
Governor Development Subscription - Includes unlimited access by a number of governors to all our governor training courses. In addition to training and development opportunities subscribers benefit from comprehensive and professional support for governors including :
- a monthly newsletter
- a document resource library
- an invitation to attend a monthly governor/chair/clerk remote meeting
- unlimited advice and guidance in person or via email and/or telephone
- a tailored in-house training session customised for your governing board's needs
Multi-School Subscription - As schools work together in clusters or consortiums this subscription enables them to develop their working relationships and benefit from joint training and development opportunities together with the benefit of the Governor Development Subscription.
Our Clerking Service - the clerk to governors plays a pivotal role in the smooth and efficient functioning of your governing board. We will provide you with a clerk who in addition to producing the minutes of your GB meetings will offer advice and guidance on all aspects of governance - including procedures and areas of compliance.
This services provides clerking for six meetings per year. This can include committee meetings as well as full governing board meetings up to six meetings in total.
Our Clerking Service - the clerk to governors plays a pivotal role in the smooth and efficient functioning of your governing board. We will provide you with a clerk who in addition to producing the minutes of your GB meetings will offer advice and guidance on all aspects of governance - including procedures and areas of compliance.
This services provides clerking for 10 meetings per year. This can include committee meetings as well as full governing board meetings up to 10 meetings in total.
Our Clerking Service - the clerk to governors plays a pivotal role in the smooth and efficient functioning of your governing board. We will provide you with a clerk who in addition to producing the minutes of your GB meetings will offer advice and guidance on all aspects of governance - including procedures and areas of compliance.
This services provides clerking for 12 meetings per year. This can include committee meetings as well as full governing board meetings up to 12 meetings in total.
The GovernorHub Subscription is an online portal used by over 7000 schools around the country , created for governors by governors to support them in managing their role. Governor Hub helps boards to be more effective by saving them time and printing costs and allows governors to stay in touch with each other and work more effectively and efficiently as a team.
We help ensure your governing board has the knowledge, skills and confidence to exercise effective governance of your school.
Our service:
- We provide an extensive Governor Training focussed on practical solutions, not just theory.
- Enhances governor skills through our extensive training programme
- Offers support and advice to governors, clerks and headteachers
Why use us
Effective governing boards work with headteachers to improve outcomes for pupils. Our service provides training, support and guidance to develop effective governance structures that helps you deliver the best possible outcomes for your pupils and meet statutory duties.
Please see our Training & Development Programme 2022-2023
Our Specialisms
- Extensive governance training, advice, guidance and support
- Linking effective governance to pupil outcomes
- Professional clerking
- Supporting governor roles and responsibilities
- External governance reviews
Tailored Services
Our services are flexible and can be tailored to meet your individual needs – please contact us if you would like to discuss arranging a tailored package for your school.