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Vulnerable Learners Educational Psychology Service

The Service Offer

Subscription Services

We use psychology to help you support your most vulnerable children and young people in an inclusive and positive manner.  Together we improve outcomes for those children and young people.


  • We support you with accurate identification of the individual academic, social or emotional needs of children and young people and work in partnership with you to develop strategies to support those needs, raise attainment and promote social inclusion.
  • Our service increases access to the curriculum for children with special and additional educational needs and helps their successful engagement with their educational establishment.
  • Our service can increase the capacity of parents and carers to promote their children’s emotional wellbeing and development and to foster social inclusion, thereby enabling a more successful working relationship between home and school.

Why Buy our Service

Meeting the full range of educational, social and emotional needs of individual children and young people, raising their attainment and promoting their well-being and mental health requires a range of specialist support and intervention strategies.  

A subscription with the Educational Psychology Service (EPS) provides you with a named educational psychologist (EP) who can deliver high-quality evidence-based psychological interventions including training packages and therapeutic programmes using approaches such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) or Video Interactive Guidance (VIG).  They can work closely with school staff to achieve School Development Plan priorities and when necessary to support needs assessments under the SEND Code of Practice 2014.  

The EPS has a strong track record of achieving excellent outcomes and working closely as part of your whole school team including staff, governors, parents, children & young people and other agencies. 

Although our service is sold in sessions EPs work flexibly.  Through negotiation your named EP can work out of standard hours, enabling service delivery at times to suit the needs of you and your school community, such as after-school or school holiday work with families.

The Effectiveness of our Service

  • We support TAs to run CBT based groups with young people. 
  • We offer individual sensory assessments and whole school audits of ASD provision. 
  • We offer training in solution focused approaches.
  • Our objective advice helps school staff to distinguish between within-child and environmental explanations for a child or young person’s difficulties.
  • We have strong academic links with local and national universities.
  • We support over 97 per cent of Warwickshire schools.
  • You have always been a great source of knowledge that is both practical and useful. (Warwickshire Primary head teacher, April 2014).
  • Thank you so much for your vital input. I have spoken to mum since and she was very pleased with the review and felt it was very informative.  Couldn't have done it without you..  (Warwickshire SENCo).
  • Thank you very much.  I just wanted to say too how much I appreciate your expert guidance for (my son) and your incredibly empathetic and caring manner with him. It was truly exemplary.  (Warwickshire mother).
  • Thank you for your report. I'm so glad that you identify the priority as being for (my son) to gain the life skills to allow him to be able to live as independent and fulfilling life as possible, albeit probably with life-long support.  I'm very pleased to see your specific and considered recommendations.  And at last someone is actually talking directly to (my son).  I know this is not easy but he does have strong views on his own support.  Typically these have been ignored.   (Warwickshire father).

Our Specialisms

  • Psychological assessments
  • Social, emotional and mental health support
  • Staff and parent training and workshops
  • Support for Autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
  • Adoption, fostering and Looked After Children 
  • Post 16 and preparation for independent adult life
  • Youth justice 

Tailored Services

Our services are flexible and can be tailored to meet your individual needs – please contact us if you would like to discuss arranging a tailored package for your school.