A list of who to contact in WES services - Contact Us
Area/Service | Contact | Telephone | |
General Enquiries | Claire Probert | wesgeneral@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 412210, opt 2, opt 3 |
New Business Enquiries | James Long | JamesLong@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 418175 |
Complaints | James Long | JamesLong@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 418175 |
Service | Contact | Telephone | |
Admissions Service | Bern Timmings | admissions@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 414143 |
Communication and Media Service | Jayne Surman Helen List |
communications@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 413727 / 414162 |
Educaterers |
Mandy Duffin Beverley Hart |
contactus@educaterers.co.uk | 01926 743434 |
Education Finance | Yvonne Staniforth Husham Khan |
schoolsfinance@welearn365.com | 01926 743083 |
Education Psychology Service | Tracey Underwood | eps@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 742911 |
Ethnic Minority & Traveller Achievement Service | Nikki Ajibade Magda Dylag |
emtasadmin@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 476600 |
Fleet Maintenance Service | Richard Sweeney | cfm@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 413441 |
Free School Meals Service | Emma Basden-Smith | freemeals@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 742055 |
Governor Service | Julia Kenny | governors@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 745120 |
WES Health & Safety | Health & Safety Team | weshealthandsafety@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 412440 |
Heritage Education Service | Rebecca Coles | heritagelearning@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 412069 |
HR & Payroll Service | Customer Service Team | weshrandpayroll@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 418 614 |
ICT Development Service |
Emma Gelfs |
ictdsservicedesk@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 414100 |
Integrated Safeguarding Training Service | Sophie Morley | educationsafeguarding@warwickshire.gov.uk |
01926 743000 |
Legal Service | Tim Seedhouse | schoolenquiries@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 412361 |
Tim Seedhouse | schooldpo@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 412859 | |
Property Services - Compliance | Paul Carlin | propertyrisk@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 476850 |
Property Services - Facilities Management | Sukhi Mann / Ray Corrigan | cleaningandcaretaking@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 413451 |
Property Services - Maintenance | Paul Aitken |
paulwaitken@warwickshire.gov.uk Maintenance Surveyors / Staff List |
01926 736385 |
School Library Service | Chris Ashton | schoolslibraryservice@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 413461 / 413462 |
Schools Absence Insurance | Angela McDonald | sicknessinsurance@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 742420 |
Specialist Teaching Service ( Central /South ) |
Tammy Mason | specialistteachingservice@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 413777 |
Specialist Teaching Service (EAST) |
Claire Batchelor | specialistteachingservice@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 413777 |
Specialist Teaching Service (North) |
Paul Fellows Louise Hunt |
specialistteachingservice@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 413777 |
Warwickshire School Effectiveness | Barren Barrow / Fiona McGuiness | schooleffectivenes@warwickshire.gov.uk | 01926 745621 |
Warwickshire Music Service | Richard Hart | 01926 742 630 |