Governor Services
The Service Offer
Subscription Services
Buy as You Need Services
Training Courses
Subscription services
The Governor Development Subscription provides your governing board with unlimited access to the centre-based training courses outlined in our latest programme.
We offer training on a wide range of subjects including managing school resources and leading the governing board but the strongest focus is on governors’ engagement in School Improvement. All new members of your team will be invited to the one day induction course (redesigned for 2017) which helps prepares them to become an active, effective governor at Trust board or local governance committee level
Subscribers are also entitled to:
- Dedicated support, advice and guidance provided online or by telephone during normal working hours (including school holidays).
- Access to a range of guidance documents and information.
- Advice and support for specific issues regarding statutory responsibilities.
- Unlimited attendance at any training session from the published development programme for any member of the governing board.
- Model policies, guidance and good practice templates
- Termly newsletter and weekly bulletins
- Maintenance of a database of governors, clerks and chairs
- Reduced cost for eLearning and GovernorHub packages
- Full access to an updated website
For any additional services you need beyond the standard subscription you will benefit from a reduction in the standard charge including for extra in-house training sessions.
For two or more academy schools working in a MAT or other collaborative partnerships, our Collaborative Subscription enables governing boards to plan and receive joint training sessions as well as receiving the other benefits of the main subscription.
We welcome requests from groups of schools for a coordinated programme of in-house training sessions in their area.
Our Clerking Service provides a professional clerking standard to ensure the effective operation of your governing board.
This services provides clerking for six meetings per year. This can include committee meetings as well as full governing board meetings up to six meetings in total.
The service includes:
- Production of effective meeting minutes
- Guidance on regulations, policies and procedures and statutory website content
- Advice on constitution and elections
- Maintenance of governing board records
- Unlimited access for your clerk to our helpline for advice.
This year our Clerking Service is also offering a clerking subscription for Trust Boards. The Clerk will be accountable to the Chair of the Trust Board, working effectively with the Company Secretary, Chair of the Trust Board, and with the Head teacher and Governors from the Local Governance Committees (school level). The Clerk will be responsible for advising the members of the Trust Board on constitutional matters, duties and powers and will work within the broad current legislative framework. He/she will secure the continuity of the Trust Board business and observe confidentiality requirements.
Our Clerking Service provides a professional clerking standard to ensure the effective operation of your governing board.
This services provides clerking for 10 meetings per year. This can include committee meetings as well as full governing board meetings up to 10 meetings in total.
The service includes:
- Production of effective meeting minutes
- Guidance on regulations, policies and procedures and statutory website content
- Advice on constitution and elections
- Maintenance of governing board records
- Unlimited access for your clerk to our helpline for advice.
This year our Clerking Service is also offering a clerking subscription for Trust Boards. The Clerk will be accountable to the Chair of the Trust Board, working effectively with the Company Secretary, Chair of the Trust Board, and with the Head teacher and Governors from the Local Governance Committees (school level). The Clerk will be responsible for advising the members of the Trust Board on constitutional matters, duties and powers and will work within the broad current legislative framework. He/she will secure the continuity of the Trust Board business and observe confidentiality requirements.
Our Clerking Service provides a professional clerking standard to ensure the effective operation of your governing board.
This services provides clerking for 12 meetings per year. This can include committee meetings as well as full governing board meetings up to 12 meetings in total.
The service includes:
- Production of effective meeting minutes
- Guidance on regulations, policies and procedures and statutory website content
- Advice on constitution and elections
- Maintenance of governing board records
- Unlimited access for your clerk to our helpline for advice.
This year our Clerking Service is also offering a clerking subscription for Trust Boards. The Clerk will be accountable to the Chair of the Trust Board, working effectively with the Company Secretary, Chair of the Trust Board, and with the Head teacher and Governors from the Local Governance Committees (school level). The Clerk will be responsible for advising the members of the Trust Board on constitutional matters, duties and powers and will work within the broad current legislative framework. He/she will secure the continuity of the Trust Board business and observe confidentiality requirements.
The GovernorHub Subscription is a user friendly web based service which facilitates document sharing, storage and communication by your governors as well as clerking tools and access to Governor Services’ resources all in one place.
Our role is to help you to ensure your governing board has the knowledge, skills and confidence to exercise effective governance of your school. We offer a comprehensive governor training programme, material guidance resources, a professional clerking service, and advice and guidance (by telephone, e-mail and in person) on governors’ and head teachers’ specific concerns.
- An extensive training programme focussed on practical solutions, not just theory.
- Governors whose skills are enhanced by access to relevant, up to date training, and to lessons learned through the experiences of trainers who are fellow governors and chairs.
- Advice, briefings and training on options for school to school collaboration, including becoming or joining a Multi Academy Trust.
- A sounding board as well as direct support and advice to governors, clerks, and school business managers of subscribing schools.
- Advice and guidance from a Governor Services team which coordinates closely with colleagues in Schools HR, Schools Finance, Legal Services, and your school’s Learning Improvement Officer, to ensure our work complements other LA school improvement support.
Why Buy Our Service
Subscription to Governor Services is a powerful resource to help you meet the requirements of the new DfE Competencies Framework (December 2016) for a governing board which:
- “recognises its own strengths and areas for development and seeks support and training to improve knowledge and skills where necessary
- undertakes self-review, reflecting on their personal contributions to the board, … identifying areas for development and building on existing knowledge and skills”.
Our service also helps you meet the expectations of the September 2016 Ofsted Inspection Handbook, which now explicitly requires inspectors to consider “the effectiveness of governors … and how committed they are to their own development…”.
We help you to develop an effective governance structure which makes the best use of governors’ time and skills and distributes responsibilities across all members, to ensure you can make a difference to pupils lives, and meet your statutory duties.
Please see our Governor and Support Training Programme.
The Effectiveness of our Service
- Total attendance at our courses continues to grow, from 1730 in 2014-15 to 2859 last year.
- 95% of Warwickshire governing boards accessed our training in 2015-16.
- 90% of attendees on our courses rated their experience as good or very good.
- 99% of enquiries made to our Governor Helpline were responded to within 5 days.
Our Specialisms
- How to impact on pupil outcomes
- Induction and leadership training
- Governor roles and responsibilities
- External reviews of governance
- Advice for governors and heads
- Clerking
Tailored Services
Our services are flexible and can be tailored to meet your individual needs – please contact us if you would like to discuss arranging a tailored package for your academy.