Duration: 3 hours
Time: 09:30 - 12:30
5 places available
Price: £75
Target Audience:
WCC Schools are advised to contact WES Health and Safety on weshealthandsafety@warwickshire.gov.uk prior to booking onto this course.
The training is essential for Headteachers and other persons involved in the commissioning and managing of contractors on-site, e.g. Business Managers/Bursars, Site Managers.
Even if you use WCC’s Physical Assets Group there is still a requirement for a designated competent person to be responsible for managing and monitoring work on-site. This includes any work including minimal, short term work such as electrical wiring, painting and decorating, grounds maintenance, window cleaning, in addition to large building projects.
In addition, staff who attended the training over 3 years ago who should attend again to refresh knowledge.
Course Content:
There is a requirement in all schools to ensure that there are competent staff to safely manage contractors. This includes the commissioning, appointing, management and monitoring of contractors in order to meet the requirements of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations. The WES Safety & Premises Service Safe Management of Contractors training is designed to enable you and your staff to understand and meet these requirements.
Aims and Objectives:
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
Maximum 12 delegates
Course Cost £68 per delegate
Contact weshealthandsafety@warwickshire.gov.uk or telephone 01926 412440 for more details.
#Heads Induction
Health and Safety Team
01926 412440