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Warwickshire Attendance Service (WAS)

The Service Offer

Subscription Services

We work jointly with your school to improve whole school attendance using strategic support and casework intervention.


Our service:

  • Provides support to develop strategies to improve whole school attendance 
  • Helps to identify pupils’ barriers to attendance through attendance focussed casework assessment 
  • Identifies appropriate interventions to address barriers to attendance 
  • Provides pupil level intervention and support to improve individual pupil attendance  
  • Initiates formal casework escalation in line with legal requirements 
  • Provides data analysis to evidence the impact of poor attendance on your whole school attendance figures 
  • Provides data analysis to you demonstrate your help you understand and improve whole school attendance  

Why use us

We have the expertise to provide specialist support to help improve whole school attendance. We can provide support with attendance strategies, systems and data as well as casework interventions.  The majority of our casework interventions result in improved attendance. Where appropriate, we can gather the evidence required for prosecution and provide advice in more complex cases.  

Our Specialisms

  • Specialist attendance advice
  • Strategies to improve whole school attendance
  • Casework intervention with children, young people & families
  • Legal requirements relating to school attendance

Tailored Services

Our services are flexible and can be tailored to meet your individual needs – please contact us if you would like to discuss arranging a tailored package for your school.