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Headteacher Appraisal & Teacher Pay and Performance (G25-HTA-VT-03)

14/10/2025 in Virtual Enquire about Course

Duration: 2 hours

Time: 19:00 - 21:00

20 places available

Price: £135


Course description

An essential course for all governors who are members of their school’s Headteacher Performance Management Review Panel. It is recommended that, after appointment to the panel, at least one panel member attends the training course.

The Ofsted Inspection Framework highlights the importance of the annual performance review process for Headteachers and teachers as a lever for improving the quality of teaching and pupil achievement in schools.

This session clearly lays out the responsibilities of governing boards for:

▪ Appointing a panel which conducts the Headteacher’s annual appraisal – agreeing performance objectives, monitoring progress during the year, and assessing the Headteacher’s performance against those objectives;

▪ Obtaining advice from an external professional adviser

▪ Ensuring that the Headteacher conducts an effective performance appraisal process for teaching staff;

▪ Relating staff pay decisions to performance.

Delegates will explore examples of performance objectives which are relevant to their school improvement priorities.


Service contact

Sally Ashley
01926 745117

Raise a service enquiry

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