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Special Educational Needs and the Governing Body (G24-SEND-VT-03)

18/06/2025 in Virtual Enquire about Course

Duration: 2 hours

Time: 18:30 - 20:30

18 places available

Price: £135


Course description

This course is suitable for governors in mainstream primary and secondary schools, particularly those who have a specific role in the governing board in relation to Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND).

The course will:

- Consider what we mean by an inclusive educational setting;

- Provide an overview of the legistlation around SEND and how SEND is funded;

- Consider some of the challenges and opportunities for schools;

- Explore ways governing boards can learn about the SEND provision in their school and how to hold the school to account for the learning of pupils with SEND.

Service contact

Sally Ashley
01926 745117

Raise a service enquiry

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