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Bell Foundation; The Role of EAL Coordinator (NT)

08/10/2024 in via teams Enquire about Course

Duration: 2:00 hours

Time: 13:15 - 15:15

20 places available

Price: £0


Course description

The role of the EAL coordinator is both rewarding and challenging. Practical strategies underpinned by EAL theory and best practice are explored and discussed. Resources are provided including a framework within which to build capacity and understanding across the whole school.


Who is this session for?  


·                 Teaching staff  

·                 Teaching assistants  

·                 EAL co-ordinators  



  Via Microsoft Teams

8th October & 15th October 2024; 1:15 - 3:15pm  (must attend both sessions)

Service contact

Natalie Kelly-Jones
01926 742683

Raise a service enquiry

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