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Assessing EAL New Arrivals Primary (NT)

01/10/2024 in Teams Enquire about Course

Duration: 2:15hours

Time: 13:00 - 15:15

30 places available

Price: £0


Course description

Two funded places for all Local Authority Primary schools 

This training aims to build EAL capacity in schools.  Therefore, an essential criteria for participating schools is to send two staff members, ideally one senior teacher coordinating whole school provision and one TA to deliver direct pupil support.  Following this training, schools are expected to carry out the EAL baseline assessment, identify targets and monitor progress using the Plan, Do, Review cycle to ensure quality provision for their EAL learners. Further EMTAS coaching is available, where appropriate, through joint working with school delegates post training. 

Training includes assessment materials.  



Via Microsoft Teams

    1st October & 8th October 2024; 1:00 - 3:15pm  (must attend both sessions)


Service contact

Natalie Kelly-Jones
01926 742683

Raise a service enquiry

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