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Warwickshire Music Service

The Service Offer

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We support high quality music education in over 200 Warwickshire schools and academies working with over 11,700 young people every week.


Our service promotes the development of transferable skills through music, including problem-solving skills, self-discipline and confidence.

  • We work in partnership with you to develop and deliver a rich and balanced music curriculum that provides the opportunity for all pupils to take part in musical education.
  • We help you to raise engagement in music by providing access to a wide range of music provision either on a one-to-one or group level across all key stages. 
  • We are the lead organisation for the Warwickshire Music Hub meaning you benefit directly from Arts Council ‘Hub’ funding and innovative activities with Hub partners.

The Effectiveness of Our Service

  • We are holding 4 major concerts at the Butterworth Hall, University of Warwick in 2016
  • We have 115 highly qualified teachers with regular inset and appraisal training
  • We run over 80 weekly activities at all levels across Warwickshire – including our award winning County groups.

Read more about our service here