
WCC Accident/ Incident Recording System

Welcome to Warwickshire County Council (WCC) online Accident/Incident Reporting System. WCC, as your employer, has a legal responsibility to ensure that all workplace accidents, ill health, near misses and dangerous occurrences are promptly reported and accurately recorded. This system enables you to submit a report on-line. Please ensure that the form is submitted as soon as possible after the event. All employees have a responsibility to report accidents, ill health, near misses and dangerous occurrences to their line manager or head teacher. Prompt and accurate reporting ensures that the County Council can meet its legal responsibilities, take appropriate action to prevent a recurrence and support our employees to deal with the aftermath of such an experience. Certain accidents, ill health and dangerous occurrences need to be reported to the Health & Safety Executive within a specified time-frame as required by the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations – ‘RIDDOR’. The majority of RIDDOR incidents/accidents will necessitate further formal investigation; the level of investigation will be proportionate to the injury or severity of the incident and the likelihood of it occurring again. Should you experience any difficulties with this on-line system please contact either; ICT Service Centre - for system malfunctions/problems or; Corporate HS&W Service - for general reporting enquiries; 01926 47 6803 -

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