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Child Protection and Safeguarding (G20-CP-E-01)

25/02/2021 in Virtual Enquire about Course

Duration: one morning course

Time: 09:30 - 12:30

3 places available

Price: £160


Course description

Note: every governing board should nominate one 'link' governor with a particular responsibility to help hold the school to account for the effectiveness of its Safeguarding procedures.

These sessions are delivered as centre-based courses by colleagues from the WCC Safeguarding Team and are aimed at Child Protection governors and Chairs only, in primary, secondary and special schools and Academies.

The Education Safeguarding Team offers separate courses for Designated Safeguarding Leads and whole school staff teams. The Education Safeguarding services recommends that governors arrange to attend whole school staff safeguarding training events in their schools.

(In addition, an overview of this topic is available as an in-house course for your full governing board, delivered by members of the Governor Services tutor team.)

The Governance Handbook makes it clear that there is "a duty on the boards of maintained schools and academy trusts to have arrangements in place to ensure that they:

- carry out their functions with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children; and

- have regard to the statutory guidance issued by the Secretary of State in considering what arrangements they need to make."

To ensure your governing board complies with the current statutory guidance, Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE 2019), it is strongly recommended that the Chair and a named governor with Child Protection and Safeguarding responsibility attends this important training.

Governors are advised that safeguarding covers child protection and also wider considerations associated with promoting children's welfare, including early help, site security, peer on peer abuse, online safety, curriculum, health and safety, attendance, identifying the risks of child sexual and criminal exploitation, so-called honour based violence and preventing radicalisation.


Service contact

Sally Ashley
01926 745117

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