WW1 Records Database
1751 to 1775 of 11704
Bedworth Leicester Road Infants - CR2491
Schoolchild died from Pneumonia in Coventry Hospital.
23/07/1918 to 23/07/1918
Bedworth Leicester Road Infants - CR2491
35 cases of Influenza. School closed for one week.
08/07/1918 to 08/07/1918
Bedworth Leicester Road Infants - CR2491
Mrs Allen and several children suffering from Influenza
02/07/1918 to 02/07/1918
Bedworth Leicester Road Infants - CR2491
School closed for 3 days to allow teachers to work on the Food Ration cards
11/02/1918 to 11/02/1918
Bedworth Leicester Road Infants - CR2491
Lessons on Patriotism and Food Saving.
24/05/1917 to 24/05/1917
Bedworth Leicester Road Infants - CR2491
Teacher Mrs Allen absent, having received news of the death of her husband in France.
21/07/1916 to 21/07/1916
Bedworth Leicester Road Infants - CR2491
Whitsuntide holiday postponed because of great need of munitions.
09/06/1916 to 09/06/1916
Bedworth Leicester Road Infants - CR2491
Miss South leaves today to take up duties at George Street Mixed School.
31/01/1916 to 31/01/1916
Bedworth Leicester Road Infants - CR2491
Days lengthening so afternoon sessions now 2-4 as no gas needed.
31/01/1916 to 31/01/1916
Bedworth Leicester Road Infants - CR2491
School staffing reduced because of economy necessitated by the War. Miss Southam to leave.
21/12/1915 to 21/12/1915
Bedworth Leicester Road Infants - CR2491
Leave of absence granted to teacher Mrs Allen to visit brother home from Flanders
19/11/1915 to 19/11/1915
Bedworth Leicester Road Infants - CR2491
To economise the light afternoon school started earlier
21/11/1915 to 21/11/1915
Bedworth Leicester Road Infants - CR2491
Children given their prize money to the National & Belgian Relief Funds
21/04/1915 to 21/04/1915
Bedworth Leicester Road Infants - CR2491
Children taken to watch 300 soldiers billeted in Nuneaton march past.
03/03/1915 to 03/03/1915
St Andrew's Parochial School Log Book, Rugby - CR1324/4
Closed to help general public fill in Form N7
10/06/1918 to 10/06/1918
St Andrew's Parochial School Log Book, Rugby - CR1324/4
Collected £2-19-0d for War Savings
11/06/1918 to 11/06/1918
St Andrew's Parochial School Log Book, Rugby - CR1324/4
Collected £3-12-0d for War Savings
17/06/1918 to 17/06/1918
St Andrew's Parochial School Log Book, Rugby - CR1324/4
Collected £2-17-0d for War Savings
24/06/1918 to 24/06/1918
St Andrew's Parochial School Log Book, Rugby - CR1324/4
M O closes school due to influenza
08/07/1918 to 18/07/1918
St Andrew's Parochial School Log Book, Rugby - CR1324/4
M O closes school due to influenza
08/07/1918 to 18/07/1918
St Andrew's Parochial School Log Book, Rugby - CR1324/4
Collected £2-6-0d for War Savings
29/07/1918 to 29/07/1918
St Andrew's Parochial School Log Book, Rugby - CR1324/4
Collected £8-1-6d for War Savings
02/09/1918 to 02/09/1918
St Andrew's Parochial School Log Book, Rugby - CR1324/4
Holiday for blackberry picking, 109 lbs sent to jam factory
11/09/1918 to 12/09/1918
St Andrew's Parochial School Log Book, Rugby - CR1324/4
Holiday for blackberry picking, 35 lbs sent to jam factory
18/09/1918 to 19/09/1918
St Andrew's Parochial School Log Book, Rugby - CR1324/4
Collected £3-12-0d for War Savings
24/09/1918 to 24/09/1918
1751 to 1775 of 11704