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1101 to 1125 of 11704

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

Half holiday for blackberry picking to make jam for Government. Rained so only 1.5 lbs picked.

21/09/1917 to 21/09/1917

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

Large quantities of vegetables & fruit being brought to school weekly by the children for the wounded

14/08/1917 to 14/08/1917

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

Children sent 10/- to the Overseas Club in answer to Empire Day appeal

15/06/1917 to 15/06/1917

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

Total amount saved by children for War Savings since September 15th 1916 amounts to £21.2.0.

05/04/1917 to 05/04/1917

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

Children still saving for War Savings Certificates. Total this week £2.13.6 - highest amount since Cl

12/01/1917 to 12/01/1917

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

Teachers & staff sent £1 to the Committee for the Relief in Belgium.

16/12/1916 to 16/12/1916

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

Children sent 4/- to the Jack Cornwall Fund

13/10/1916 to 13/10/1916

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

Children making weekly gifts of fruit, vegetables & eggs for the wounded soldiers at Stratford. Large

22/09/1916 to 16/12/1916

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

40 children now saving pennies for War Savings - 14 now have subscription cards.

18/09/1916 to 18/09/1916

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

Gifts of potatoes, peas, turnips, lettuces, eggs, plums, carrots & a marrow brought to school by chil

18/08/1916 to 18/08/1916

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

War Savings Club now formed in village so children's savings added to it. Now 23 children saving thei

11/08/1916 to 11/08/1916

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

8 children now commenced War Savings Certificates. Two have already completed their 15/6 certificates

16/06/1916 to 16/06/1916

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

Children recommenced bringing gifts for wounded soldiers at Clopton Hospital

09/06/1916 to 09/06/1916

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

War Savings Scheme started. First complete 15/6 from the parish comes from the Infant School.

09/06/1916 to 09/06/1916

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

10s collected on Empire Day and sent to Overseas Club. Since Aug 1914 a total of £4-13-3 has been col

03/06/1916 to 03/06/1916

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

Children have sent 6s 6d to the YMCA Huts

08/05/1916 to 08/05/1916

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

Eggs, potatoes & parsnips brought by children for wounded soldiers in Stratford Hospital

24/03/1916 to 24/03/1916

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

Manager visited school to thank children for presents of eggs & vegetables for wounded soldiers at St

17/03/1916 to 17/03/1916

School Log Book Bidford on Avon CE Infants - CR830

Children subscribed 3s 8d to buy material for villagers making sandbags.

21/05/1915 to 21/05/1915

School Log Book Bedworth George Street Mixed Council - CR2490

Armistice Day. School observed two minutes silence.

11/11/1920 to 11/11/1920

School Log Book Bedworth George Street Mixed Council - CR2490

Mrs Mountford resigned owing to her husband having received his discharge

10/01/1919 to 10/01/1919

School Log Book Bedworth George Street Mixed Council - CR2490

School closed after morning session owing to influenza epidemic.

04/11/1918 to 04/11/1918

School Log Book Bedworth George Street Mixed Council - CR2490

Mrs Mountford absent owing to husband being home from the Front.

30/09/1918 to 30/09/1918

School Log Book Bedworth George Street Mixed Council - CR2490

Mrs Mountford had leave of absence until 26th July to visit her husband who is stationed in Kent.

08/07/1918 to 08/07/1918

School Log Book Bedworth George Street Mixed Council - CR2490

Miss Lole & Miss Southam away with influenza. Attendance of children rapidly falling off.

05/07/1918 to 05/07/1918

1101 to 1125 of 11704