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7826 to 7850 of 11704

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Leamington Spa Volunteer Defence Corps. Orders

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Personal Items. "The women are splendid - no times for tears or the trappings of Woe" by Miss Beatric

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Correspondence. "Windproof Coats for Men in Service" Thanks from Eleanor Archer, 7 Victoria St, Warwi

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Correspondence. "YMCA Camp for Soldiers" Appeal for helpers at YMCA Camp for Soldiers". Appeal for me

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

The War. Local War Items. Commissions, Wounded, Entertainments etc

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

War Office accepted Rev F H and the Hon Mrs Hodgson to establish a temporary hospital at Clopton. 100

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Local War Items. Mr W H Miller, an old pupil of Warwick School has travelled home from the Fiji Islan

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

War Office issued Circular letters via the Mayor suggesting to motor car owners that they should allo

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Appeal for an Ambulance Car". Lady Dorothie Feilding in Belgium refers to her work with Field Ambulan

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Leamington Prisoners of War". Appeal from Leamington Division SSFA for gifts. Refers to letter receiv

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

British Troopship Attacked in the Aegean - 51 Men Drowned - Leamington's Soldiers Guests". "Manitou"

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Women and the War". Reported that April edition of the Conservative & Unionist Women's Review contain

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Helping the Belgian War". Mayoress appeal for pure water supply for Belgian army

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Local Casualties. Killed: 2nd Ltd J A Croft. Details Died of Wounded: Major E Edelmann, DSO - long re

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

VC for Ltd Cyril Martin. Description

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

War Munitions". "Output Armaments Committee for Coventry". Formed of reps of leading engineering firm

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Royal Warks at Work". Long report of battle involvement. Death of Col Loring

23/04/1915 to 23/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Rowington. "Serbian War Relief Fund" School children attendance prize money donated

16/04/1915 to 16/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Rowington. Red Cross Whist Drive

16/04/1915 to 16/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Local News. St Paul's Men's Services. 11/4/1915. Mayor, members of Home Defence Corps and Mayor's Rec

16/04/1915 to 16/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Local War Items. British Farmers Red Cross Fund.

16/04/1915 to 16/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Local War Items. Memorial Service. Sgt W T Russell, 2 Albion Row, Wise St, held in Coventry

16/04/1915 to 16/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Local War Items. Capt F B Follett - Military Cross at Windsor Castle 13/4/1915

16/04/1915 to 16/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Local War Items. Belgian Hostel

16/04/1915 to 16/04/1915

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard -

Recruiting. Leamington Labour Exchange. Names.

16/04/1915 to 16/04/1915

7826 to 7850 of 11704