WW1 Records Database
6176 to 6200 of 11704
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Public Notice. Atherstone Food Control Committee. Apply for new ration books
13/09/1918 to 13/09/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Freedom of Borough & gifts awarded to VC soldier, photos & article
13/09/1918 to 13/09/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Nuneaton Borough Council. Requests for further leases for allotments
13/09/1918 to 13/09/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Miners at Polesworth & Atherstone vote at Bedworth to give up Wake Time
20/09/1918 to 20/09/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Cinemas to run in large Coventry factories at break times etc
20/09/1918 to 20/09/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Warwickshire War Agricultural Committee agrees that Brandon farmer can spare field from plough to tak
20/09/1918 to 20/09/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Public Notice. Agreement with Duke of Buccleugh for replacement of Elms & a Monument at Stretton on
27/09/1918 to 27/09/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Death of Col Knox, 7th Warwickshire Regiment, brother of VC holder Lt Knox
04/10/1918 to 04/10/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Public Notice. Atherstone Rural District Council. Local food control committee sets price for milk f
11/10/1918 to 11/10/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Public Notice. Nuneaton Food Committee. butter ration reduced to 1oz/person this week due to unfores
11/10/1918 to 11/10/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Croix de Guerre awarded to Co Sgt Major J H Holt
11/10/1918 to 11/10/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Nuneaton Borough Council - fire brigade reorganisation, descrition of equipment and payment of member
11/10/1918 to 11/10/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Grocer fined for many offences for overcharging of controlled foods. Fine £156 10s
25/10/1918 to 25/10/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Reference to world wide flu epidemic
25/10/1918 to 25/10/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Deaths from flu in local area
25/10/1918 to 25/10/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Ministry of Reconstruction: demobilisation of men and employment of. New use for munitions and the re
25/10/1918 to 25/10/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Copy of an article in the Daily Mail - Viscountess Templeton - problem finding a woman to stand for P
25/10/1918 to 25/10/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Public Notice. Nuneaton Food Control Committee. Milk shortage. From 3/11/1918 no choice of distribut
01/11/1918 to 01/11/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Bad outbreak of Spanish flu in Coventry & Leicester. 200 deaths in Leicester
01/11/1918 to 01/11/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
Christadelphian at Nuneaton Military Appeal, exempted to do work of national importance. Current empl
01/11/1918 to 01/11/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
12 deaths in Nuneaton in Oct, 30 so far in Nov. Elementary schools closed & Sunday School. Discussion
08/11/1918 to 08/11/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
If German POWs are billeted on a farm then no Land Army women are allowed to work there. If the POWs
08/11/1918 to 08/11/1918
Nuneaton Chronicle - C53.04
High price for lodgings for the now out of work girls, considers other options of employment.
27/12/1918 to 27/12/1918
Rugby Advertiser -
“Rugby Urban District Council and the War” Start of war
08/08/1914 to 08/08/1914
Rugby Advertiser -
Fred Merttens, JP (German born) proclaims his support for England
15/08/1914 to 15/08/1914
6176 to 6200 of 11704