WW1 Records Database
3526 to 3550 of 11704
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
20-27 Belgian refugees at 17 Hillmorton Rd, Rugby
30/10/1914 to 30/10/1914
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
“Our Belgian Guests” Belgian refugees
30/10/1914 to 30/10/1914
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
87 Belgian refugees at Princethorpe convent incl 60 nuns
30/10/1914 to 30/10/1914
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
Wounded Belgian soldiers at Cawston Hall
30/10/1914 to 30/10/1914
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
Belgian refugees at Te Hira
30/10/1914 to 30/10/1914
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
Preparing for 50 more Belgian refugee arrivals
30/10/1914 to 30/10/1914
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
Sunday collections donated by St Marie's £10 in support of Belgian refugees
30/10/1914 to 30/10/1914
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
Private chapel established at Belgian refugee residence
30/10/1914 to 30/10/1914
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
34 wounded Belgian soldiers at Rugby School sanatorium
30/10/1914 to 30/10/1914
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
Concert promoted by Rugby Co-operative Society raised £18 in support of Belgian refugees
06/11/1914 to 06/11/1914
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
10 more wounded Belgian soldiers at Rugby School sanatorium, converted to Red Cross Hospital
06/11/1914 to 06/11/1914
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
Belgian refugees
06/11/1914 to 06/11/1914
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
Holy Trinity congregation decide to pay for accommodation to landladies who were not getting lodgers,
06/11/1914 to 06/11/1914
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
Collecting box outside Rugby Observer's offices
20/11/1914 to 20/11/1914
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
How W C Barnes won Medaille Militaire
18/12/1914 to 18/12/1914
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
Rugby Library make arrangements to provide French language magazines for Belgian refugees
25/12/1914 to 25/12/1914
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
Nearly 200 Belgian refugees in Rugby. Quote from Mr Townsend “...people...had done quite a noble work
08/01/1915 to 08/01/1915
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
Thanks for supporting 39 Albert St, Rugby as home for Belgian refugees
08/01/1915 to 08/01/1915
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
Thanks for supporting Newton House War Refugees Committee
08/01/1915 to 08/01/1915
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
New Belgian refugees arrivals
08/01/1915 to 08/01/1915
Rugby Observer - MIcrofilm from Rugby Library
Raising funds for refugees. Sheep auctioned 100 times. Quote “...it will be realised that most bidder
15/01/1915 to 15/01/1915
School log book, Wolvey - DR645
School closed today(Emergency). Staff engaged in distribution Ration Cards to people. Director of Edu
08/02/1918 to 08/02/1918
School log book, Wolvey - DR645
Teacher away since Monday with influenza. Returned 30/5
17/05/1918 to 17/05/1918
School log book, Wolvey - DR645
Headmaster asked to take charge of larger secondary school as current headmaster likely to be called
11/06/1918 to 11/06/1918
School log book, Wolvey - DR645
Influenza increased. 36 absent mainly in upper school
05/07/1918 to 05/07/1918
3526 to 3550 of 11704