WW1 Records Database
3401 to 3425 of 11704
Warwick Advertiser - M1466
Report on the execution of Edith Cavell.
Warwick Advertiser - M1466
Casualties. 1st and 2nd Battalion.
Warwick Advertiser - M1466
Appeal for more volunteerrs
Warwick Advertiser - M1466
List of new recruits from Warwick, Kenilworth and Leamington. Three seperate lists of new volunteers
Warwick Advertiser - M1466
A letter from Rev C.T.B Mcnultyof Holy Trinity Leamington. Christmas wishes.
12/11/1915 to 12/11/1915
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
Casualties. 1st-2nd Battalion and 7th Battalion Territorials.
05/06/1915 to 05/06/1915
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
Casualties. List of 1st and 2nd Battalions
19/06/1915 to 19/06/1915
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
Casualties. List of 1st and 2nd Battalions
26/06/1915 to 26/06/1915
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
Casualties. List of 1st and 2nd Battalions
03/07/1915 to 03/07/1915
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
Wounded soldiers at the Jephson Gardens. Garden party. Account of the activities.
03/07/1915 to 03/07/1915
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
A list of recent recruits from Warwick and Leamington and there addresses. The Lord Derby scheme.
04/12/1914 to 04/12/1914
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
Advert for Burgess and Colbourne of Bedford Street Leamington. Christmas gifts.
04/12/1914 to 04/12/1914
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
E Francis and Sons Advert for Christmas gifts.
11/12/1914 to 11/12/1914
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
Advert for Christmas Gifts for Soldiers Pocket Mirror Bullet Proof and Unbreakable cost 1 shilling ad
18/12/1914 to 18/12/1914
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
Nearly whole page of recruits with addresses from Warwick and surrounding areas.
18/12/1914 to 18/12/1914
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
Casualties. List of 1st and 2nd Battalions
17/07/1915 to 17/07/1915
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
Behind the Lines. An account of life behind the front lines by Rev C.T.B Mcnulty Vicar of Holy Trinit
17/07/1915 to 17/07/1915
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
Copy of a form for National Registration Act 1915. Article about needing to complete by August 15th.
24/07/1915 to 24/07/1915
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
Account of a Service commemorating the anniversary of the outbreak of the war. held at Warwick Market
07/08/1915 to 07/08/1915
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
An account of the actions in winning his D.C.M. Lance Corporal William Reeves, Warwick Road, Kenilwor
15/08/1915 to 15/08/1915
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
Casualties. List of 1st and 2nd Battalions
15/08/1915 to 15/08/1915
Warwick Advertiser - M1446
An appeal for fresh eggs from the Mayoress of Warwick for wounded Soldiers and Sailors
11/09/1915 to 11/09/1915
Warwick Advertiser - M1466
Warwickshire Yeomanry List of Casualties
18/09/1915 to 18/09/1915
Warwick Advertiser - M1466
Whole column of accounts from Gallipoli from local soldiers
18/09/1915 to 18/09/1915
Warwick Advertiser - M1466
Casualties. List of 1st and 2nd Battalion and 6th and 7th Battalion. Also a list of local men sufferi
25/09/1915 to 25/09/1915
3401 to 3425 of 11704