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Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Women's Suffrage Procession to Hyde Park - short article.


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Suffragist Disturbance - alleged assault on police, magistrate concluded there was some doubt.


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

The Suffrage Pilgrims marching to London called in at St Mary's Church, Warwick.


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

The Great Pilgrimage - discussion at home of Mr & Mrs Hill. Dr Kirby, chair & speaker. National Uni


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Parochial Hall Kenilworth, Kenilworth Suffragists - working to lower poverty. Mrs Basil Hanbury, pres


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Correspondence - women are disadvantaged (short letter), Clara Brown.


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Correspondence - reply to opposition. Mary Dormer Harris, Hon. Press Secretary National Union of Wome


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Warwickshire branch National League for Opposing Women's Suffrage at Regent Hotel, Leamington.


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby, and County Chronicle -

Conservative Women Suffragists, - working women etc., Miss Heath Stubbs at home, Newbold Terrace, Lea


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Masonic rooms, Leamington. Women' Suffrage meeting- Democracy & the limits of the sex war. Leonard I


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Masonic rooms, Leamington - Women's Suffrage announcement of annual meeting NUWSS, Mrs Dykes, chair.


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Answer to Countess of Jersey's letter from Mary Dormer Harris, Hon. Press Secretary National Union of


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Why Women Don't Want to Vote, article by Countess of Jersey.


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Women's Suffrage meeting, County Hall Warwick - condemnation of Parliamentary mismanagement, Conserv


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby, and County Chronicle -

Warwick & Leamington Suffrage Society & From a Working Womans Point of View, article by Mary Dormer H


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

National League for Opposing Women's Suffrage - increase in branches in the past year.


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Women's Sufftage Meeting, Town Hall Leamington - Lord Bentinck unable to attend - resolution that Ref


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Women's Suffrage Meeting - to be held Town Hall Leamington. Mentions Mr H. Baillie, Lord Henry Benti


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

United Suffrage Meeting, Kenilworth St Leamington - attended by several societies including Men's Lea


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Women's Suffrage - NU Council at Manchester. Mentions Mrs A. Hill and Mrs Haynes, representatives fr


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Leamington & Warwick Suffrage against letter to Morning Post by Lord Perry.


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Garden meeting at Leamington. Women's Suffrage: militants have brought about improvement in prisons.


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

A Suffragist Countess: franchise fete Countess of Selbourne opens fete, Winter Hall, Leamington.


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Local Jottings: Mr Pollock's Strategic Movement - withdraw support since window smashers.


Leamington, Warwick, Rugby and County Chronicle -

Local News. Women's Suffrage meeting, Park Villa Leamington. Mrs Ring, speaker (Birmingham).


251 to 275 of 11704